
May 28, 2011

Growing Up

Now that I'm no longer in my teens I feel pressure so start acting more like an 'adult'. I'll admit I've got it easy, my parents still pay for everything; my phone, my college, my food, and everything else. I still live at home as well, but I want to move out with Derek sometime. Before that can happen I need a job and I need to save up some money. I'm putting that off until my family gets back from our vacation next month...

But what I really don't understand is this generations rush to 'grow up'. Why do kids still in high school want to move out and have to deal with bills, bills and more bills? I'm glad that I've had my fun... and I'm still having it at 20 years old! I could not see myself being married and having a family by now. Sure, it works for some people, but not for me.

I really don't know how this job thing will work out once classes start in the fall though. Usually I have enough to do with homework and trying to squeeze in everything else I do. During break I'm so unbearably bored though, because a lot of my friends have jobs and families or live a long distance away... or both! How I miss the high school days and none of us ever had anything to do.

While I'm excited to actually have my own money and everything, it's still scary to me. The only reason I want to move out of my parents right now if because of Derek. It would be so nice to be there when he gets home from work... there's no way I could ever live alone!

So is there really any point to this? Not really. It's midnight and I'm bored, plus I feel like it's actually 4AM. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Hi how are you?

    I noticed that you like tattoos, and I have a label in which I had some of my bloggers send me their tattoo pictures, so very funny...

    Anyway, I like your blog, and want to invite you to visit mine, and if you will follow me I would love to follow yours....

